Your Strengths Are Sufficient

“You cannot be anything you want to be,  but you can be a lot more of who you already are.”  – Tom Rath 

According to Gallup statistics, you and I may not have the athletic ability of Michael Jordan, the goat-like agility of a top-performing rock climber, or the poetic prowess of Maya Angelou, but we do have our own unique superpowers to share with the world.  In fact, when we courageously step into our natural talents, we extend blessings into the lives of those around us.

In a world that places enormous focus on overcoming weaknesses, Don Clifton’s Strength’s Finder 2.0 invites us to dive deeply into a sea of different strengths.  Through a series of 177 timed questions, we methodically uncover our natural superpowers and begin a self-discovery journey leading us closer to connecting with our life’s true calling.

Invitation to Discover Strengths

“Sometimes we feel like Harry Potter living in a world as a nobody until the owl sends us mail inviting us to be somebody.”  – Jud Wilhite

Do you ever experience seasons in life where you feel invisible to the outside world, just like Harry Potter’s solitary under-the-staircase-existence before his life-changing invitation to Hogwarts?   Does it seem like things work out for everyone else, but not for you?   Well, here’s the truth: We each have an invitation to discover our own magical powers where we walk in purpose, feel totally alive, and leverage the gifts with which we have been abundantly blessed to use for the greater good of humanity!

Simply accept the invitation.

Identifying Strengths

Research shows that working in our “strengths zone” brings us more fulfillment than our job title/ role, our promotions, or even our paychecks.   Did you know that 7 out of 10 million people interviewed miss the mark when it comes to working in their “strengths zone”?  This means millions of people wake up each day, often unknowingly, in the dark about what they do really well!  What a shame!

Untapped potential.

Underdeveloped talents.

When we identify and connect with our superpowers, we open the door to infinite possibilities in so many areas of our lives!   Doesn’t it make sense to engage with the world doing what we LOVE to do with the talents and gifts that come most naturally to us?     Imagine the far-reaching global impact we will have by simply stepping into our natural greatness, doing what we love, and blessing all with whom we come in contact!

Using Strengths

Once you’ve identified your strengths, the next step is application!   In order to leverage our own gifts, we must be willing to commit to practicing them.   This is how we magnify a talent and turn it into a strength!

Remember the formula:

 Talent x Investment = Strength.   

Talents are not magic wands, they are gifts that must be continually worked to multiply their effectiveness.  The more committed we are to our talents, the stronger they will become.  Stewardship of our gifts is also important in order to amplify the reach and impact we have in the lives of others.   One of my dearest mentors always told me, “We are born on purpose, and for a purpose.”  

My question to you is, “Have you discovered your unique talents, and if so, what do you believe you are on this Earth to do with them?”  If you are not sure, try a little Roman Chamomile essential oil to awaken the deeper sense of self or read this post for spring renewal ideas.   Roman Chamomile is known as the Oil of Spiritual Purpose, and will help connect you to your heart center, where purpose is found.

I’ll close with this thought:

When we step into our God-given talents, we have infinite opportunities to magnify and lift up others while walking in fulfilling purpose.   So what are you waiting for?!

Stand In Love,
