10 Loving Reminders

  1.  You are loved.
  2. You are loved beyond measure.
  3. You are loved in ways unimaginable.
  4. You are loved by the Author of love.
  5. You are loved with a jealous love.
  6. You are loved yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
  7. You are loved no matter what.
  8. You are loved even when you think you are unloveable.
  9. You are loved by the maker of hope, sun, and rainbows.
  10. You are loved with an unfailing love.


Jen’s Essential Oils for Spring Renewal

As we celebrate the first day of Spring today,  let us remember that Spring is a time for renewal and rebirth.  Poet Pablo Neruda said it best, ” You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming.”

The clock is forward, the days are getting longer, and you’re thinking about summer plans and all the changes you’re ready to make!  Springtime is the natural season for cleaning, weeding out, preparing and planning!

Whether you have plans to green clean your home, reorganize your garage, drop that stubborn 10 pounds, or increase the vitality in your interpersonal or professional relationships, the following essential oils will support you naturally in your efforts!

Renewing Oils

I love using Basil, Peppermint, Arborvitae, Serenity, and Motivate to help me with energy and renewal.  Each oil has specific properties that help us renew on 3 levels: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual.


Most of us are familiar with using basil as a dried or fresh herb in salads and recipes, but did you know that basil essential oil helps support you if you are under a great deal of mental strain?  Basil essential oil is used to bring energy rejuvenation after long periods of burnout and exhaustion.   Anyone relate to that?  How about using basil to help you give up those substances you turn to for false support…. like food, alcohol, drugs, or negative behaviors.


Speaking from experience, I tend to turn to sugar.  It has always been my default comfort support when weak, weary, exhausted, or emotionally spent.  I’ve learned new and improved ways to support myself naturally using essential oils to modify behaviors, and diffusing basil is an intentional habit I’ve created.   Try rubbing a few drops of Basil essential oil on the middle portion of your back- directly over your adrenal glands.


Grown in the beautiful forests of British Columbia, Canada, this incredibly complex essential oil assists with renewal on many levels.  Arborvitae works on the cellular level to generate vitality and cell turnover and emotionally helps us let go of our forced efforts and the need to control everything in life.  Arborvitae’s Latin name means “to sacrifice”, inviting us to sacrifice our personal will and ambitions for a far more fulfilling way of living.    What a beautiful way to step into spring, letting go and trusting in the flow of life and the divine purpose God has for us all!



We all know how vital sleep is for renewing our bodies, especially the recovery of hard-working muscles, tissues, and cells working 24/7 for our benefit!   While some people are blessed with a genetic mutation affording them the ability to survive on 4 hours of sleep, most (the other 99% without the mutation) of us need 7-9 hours of sleep to allow for proper recovery and renewal.

Serenity essential oil blend is a heavenly mix of Lavender Flower, Cedarwood, Ho Wood Leaf, Ylang Ylang Flower, Marjoram Leaf, Roman Chamomile Flower, Vetiver Root, Vanilla Bean Absolute, and Hawaiian Sandalwood.

Try this oil in a diffuser at night to promote calm and relaxation, allowing for deep, restful sleep.  Topically,  rub a few drops of Serenity on the bottoms of your feet, the back of your neck, or on pulse points.   This essential oil blend is a TOTAL game-changer and it will quickly have you singing its praises!

How to Start Using Essential Oils

If you are just beginning your journey of natural wellness and interested in learning more about bringing these precious CPTG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade) essential oils into your home, please click here.    I LOVE love LOVE sharing my passion for natural wellness and look forward to connecting you and your family with the many diverse benefits for your body, mind, and soul!

Happy First Day of Spring!



Jennifer Miller is a Las Vegas-based dōTERRA Wellness Advocate, Speaker, and Marketing Consultant.  She volunteers as a Community Partner for global nonprofit BeadforLife, whose mission is to provide entrepreneurial training to 1 million impoverished people globally by 2027.   Click here for a listing of upcoming events, or Follow her on instagram or Facebook @standinlovejen .  To host a dōTERRA essential oil workshop with your friends or family,  please email: standinlovejen@gmail.com .